Adscah Extends Their Launching Date, Opportunity To Build More Teams and Make Money

After A Long discussion with our investors and some of our top leaders , we have decided to extend the prelaunch till 5th April and here's why. Below is some reasons why the CEO insist that the launching of Adscah will be extended. full review about Adscash here

From The CEO Of Adscash

1) We are growing at about 10,000 signups a day now and extra 10 days
means another 100,000 people can join this life changing opportunity
and have their lifes changed for ever 

Its all about making a bigger impact with style and what better way
to do that than Ads.Cash

2) We have recently attracted a lot of top guns from the industry in the last 7
days or so and they all wanted some more time to build so they can have
the same leverage like many of you had who got in day one and it
was only fair to give them a chance

3) Our tech team is right now working 24/7 and still yet there is
so much to be done 

Our servers are maxed out and we have had to allocate a bunch of our
tech team just on to server and stack management from now as in next
10 days we will cross over 500,000 users which is a nightmare
from a database perspective for tech companies...

This extra 10 days or so just gives us enough time to make sure this part is
smooth as after launch also I don't see this momentum slowing
down any time...

4) On The Fintech side , there is a lot going on behind the scenes in terms
of whitepaper version 2.0 , custom blockchain development
and other good stuff...

All will be revealed in this week.......

Trust me all of you will easily be able to double and triple your
teams in the next 10 days with the kind of momentum
we are having......

We have thought this in and out and trust me like always
when i say this - We've got this :)

Stay focussed , keep buying bitcoins ( anyhow its a good investment right now )
so you can pick up as many coins as you can on launch day and keep building
big teams as the bigger teams you build right now , more is the money
you will make in launch
