Latest News To All Die Hard MMM Nigeria Participants

This morning we got this news updates from MMM Nigeria guiders forum. With every assurance that the freeze of Mavro % is for the good of the platform. I still urge the whole Nigerian MMM participants to be quite assured, MMM is good form as the whole technical and web Engineers are tirelessly seeing the upgrades commences fast.  Put away panic to help the Community. Below is the news from MMM Nigeria guiders.

 Meeting Updates 
As we can see from the main news confirmed mavro are frozen for one month for sustainability of the community

We should remember we have one goal to unite millions of Nigerians to Get Help and Provide Help, This measures was expected and now this one month frozen mavro continue growing, It might not even be up to one month it might be less and it depends on the programmers after they also add some new models, This period GH will be frozen

In this period, it is important for you to talk to your downlines and explain the situation and it is important to change the attitude, participants should understand that they are not clients who are getting services from a company. They are responsible for the outcome and the outcome is determined by the attitude, It is important we don't spread panic

In January we will have new concept and it will be implemented by programmers, it won't be possible for massive GH, we are pushing programmers forward to work faster, when we implement you will see how it will work.

Explain to your Downliners if we surrender and do what the media wants us to do we win nothing, we need to make some scarifies for a better community

We will post clarification and more details probably this week, Probably we will release some Mavros before 30 days

Now is a period when you been a guider to demonstrate and talk with your down liners
What we expect next week a change of guider button for ordinary participants to change to 10+ and 100+ guiders.

At this stage the dispatching process is stopped no GH is matched it's stopped for a while their is no new orders. But Mavros grows daily! you can PH and Mavro grows

We will also use this medium to solve support issues, Our expectations shape the future, be positive and if you will be positive and share with your downlines the future will be positive.

If their will be some news i will announce immediately.

 If you truely want to eradicates poverty in Nigeria, join us to share this to all social media, to stop panic in many participants.
